Good Friday Online Service - April 10th 2020
Apr 10, 2020 • Pastor Rick Jones
Discussion Questions
1.What has been your families Good Friday service tradition?
2.What was the connection Pastor Rick made to the movie, The Poseidon Adventure?
3.What did the Centurion observe that day that made him change his heart?
4.What is the connection to the story in Matthew 8?
5.Why is it important to read the story in all three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke?
6.What was the Centurion’s response?
7.How had the Centurion witnessed John 3:16?
8.How did Jesus model forgiveness even on the cross?
9.Rick said, “You cannot come close to Jesus and not be changed.” How has Jesus changed you?
10.Only God can change a heart? How has God changed your heart?